Florida Self-Advocates Network'D has declared "My Voice Matters" as the theme of the 6th Annual FL SAND Conference, which will be February 2-4, 2018, at the Florida Hotel and Conference Center at the Florida Mall in Orlando.
All self-advocates in Florida are invited to attend the conference, regardless of their affiliation with FL SAND (Florida Self-advocates Network'D) -- a network of grassroots self-advocacy groups that operate in local communities around the state.
FL SAND's conference planning committee is working now, putting together an exciting and educational slate of programs, exhibits, and social activities, including dinner out on Saturday. Check out all the festivities of the 2017 conference here.
Businesses and other partners interested in sponsoring the conference should email contactflsand@gmail.com.
FL SAND exists to support local advocacy efforts and provide a united voice for statewide issues and topics that are important to self-advocates and all persons with disabilities in Florida. FL SAND's 12 local groups are all led by self-advocates and operate independently of provider organizations.
Check back for updates on the 2018 conference here at FSACentral.org or FLSAND.org.